Statistical Analysis of Tour

community over capitalism 2013 tour progress report. 
In May of 2013, OK Vancouver Ok embarked on a 6 month long music tour entitled Community Over Capitalism. We have been keeping detailed financial records of our tour in the hopes of understanding if it is possible to successfully travel around the world playing anti-capitalist anti-folk lo-fi pop-rock songs and not die of starvation / go into terrible life altering debt. We believe in the concept of mutual aid and think that with a strong enough DIY community our tour will be possible

The documents below are a collection of statistical reports created to determine the feasibility of the Community Over Capitalism tour. It breaks our tour down into 3 parts, USA, CANADA and EUROPE. We hope that this can be used as a resource for other bands considering a long anti-capitalist tour. Keep in mind this is still just a rough draft.

part 1: USA
part 2: CANADA
part 3: EUROPE


A limitation of part one of our study is that we are not able to express non-monetary successes and failures. This data set does not capture financially unsuccessful shows that had amazing vegan dinners, hand drawn posters and comfy beds. Likewise some of our highest paying gigs had rude bartenders, bad sound or bathrooms with no toilet paper. It is hard to quantify these variables so in our next instalment we plan to include qualitative data to provide a more holistic representation of our tour. 

********************** pps email if you have any feedback or questions or ideas. seriously.